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A member registered Feb 01, 2020

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I can suggest kind of similar games, Titanfall 2 has great movement and and is a multiplayer FPS and ULTRAKILL is another FPS but singleplayer and really cool weapons (there is also a demo so I reccomend it)

1st Youtube is not a great or stable source of income, 2nd what does it change that he is an adult?

Don't mind happy74 it's a troll

At this point adding some things from the game would be nice, the snipers there are the best I have ever seen and the revolver is the 2nd best, right now we only have pistol, probably a p2000 and a slow firing smg that resembles the uzi

He's just a troll leave him/her/it alone.

Try to delete the files and redwonload the entire game, this willl probably delete you PBs tho

Probably on his youitube channel and when it's on seam... on steam

KARLSON community · Posted in .

Press " Download " the one wiht your prefeered platform near it

The game seems too heavy for Smartphones to run it without a lot of time and effort wich could be spent instead on new content and faster bug fixes. Also the controls would be pretty hard to implement. Same thing goes for chromebooks

Make sure you unzip the files first, then if you still encoucnter problems just delete and redownload all files of the game

You can close the game start it again and chenge them again in the launch window

I´m a professional filmmaker and trailer editor. is that what you meant?

You can try to use steam for that

Yeah, obviusly, the game was made for the video so...

As fast far as I can understand I have the fastest sandbox 2 run... I was going for a challenge not even the WR of the level...
I'm sure with enough days of practice I can cut it down to sub 15 

It will probably break the speedruns that currently exist.

It should still work but if you want you can get a Free upgrade to windows 10 this way:

It may be windows smart screen.

Here you go: 

Watch it it has the rigidbody  movement source code :3

I don't think there is one. 

It triggers automatically, and if there was one ii don't understand why the " Disable Slow-Mo " option exists.

Can you be more specific? waht probelm do you encounter? Does the downlaod not start? Have you tried downlading the other versions? Switching browsers?

User wjuefjebf has found a potential fix: 

As far as i know you must delete and reinstall the game.

User wjuefjebf has found a potential fix: 

The game i currently not supported by chrome and it seems too heavy for chrome to run it without a lot of time and effort wich could be spent instead on new content and faster bug fixes.

That woul potentially break most speedruns currently in my opinion.

You can try. For example by adding this game to steam and then using steam to configure the ps4 controller to work as a keyboard and mose.

The game seems too heavy for Smartphones to run it without a lot of time and effort wich could be spent instead on new content and faster bug fixes. Also the controls would be pretty hard to implement

You have to be more specific if you want to be helped by anyone.

(1 edit)

It's a feature not a bug don't worry :3

I don't think there is a way to trigger it on demand, as far as I know it only triggers automatically, and if there was a way I don't understand why the " Disable Slow-Mo " option exists.

Are you sure you downloaded the right version? Go to Settings > System > System information if it says x86 that means 32bit, also the 32bit version should work on 64bit versions anyways.

Title says it, just DM me on reddit if you consider this, u/TheSast

User wjuefjebf has found a potential fix: 

Only source code we ahve is this: 

Unfortunately no grapple :<

 Currently the game isn't supported on chrome and it seems too heavy for chrome to run it without a lot of time and effort wich could be spent instead on new content and faster bug fixes.

Are you extracting the Zip files in to a folder of their own to run?

Are you sure your computer is 64bit based? Go to Settings > System > System information if it says x86 that means 32bit, also the 32bit version should work on 64bit versions anyways.

(1 edit)

User wjuefjebf has found a potential fix: